
5 models revealed! iPhone 16 series

5 models revealed! iPhone 16 series wants to be integrated into the SE model  for increased battery life, 8G memory


Kuai Innovation wrote on February 13 that as per unfamiliar media reports, is by all accounts keen on extending the iPhone 16 series, and it intends to incorporate the SE series into it. If valid, the series will have no less than 5 models.

In particular, these five models are: iPhone 16 SE, SE Additionally, 16, 16 Expert and 16 Genius Max, however this news should be additionally affirmed.

As indicated by the news, the iPhone 16 SE (6.1 inches) and SE In addition to (6.7 inches) both have a solitary back camera and a screen of just 60Hz. The costs might be 5,199 yuan and 5,999 yuan, to involve the mid-to-low-finished results.

In the mid-range market, the situating of the iPhone 16 appears to be more alluring and will be furnished with a 120Hz screen, 2 cameras and a superior battery.

The news additionally referenced that the battery limit of the iPhone 16 Expert Max will reach 4676mAh, which is 5% more than the past age. It is accepted that Apple can further develop the gadget's general battery duration.

Moreover, subtleties of the iPhone 16 Master include: the machine will keep on utilizing 8GB of memory, and Apple will utilize another titanium amalgam-producing interaction to decrease costs.

Already, Ming-Chi Kuo likewise uncovered that the Apple iPhone 16 Expert will get a significant picture overhaul, outfitted with two 48MP sensors interestingly, while the zooming focal point will in any case be 12MP.

The iPhone 16 Star will keep on utilizing the bi-overlap quadrilateral zooming focal point of the iPhone 15 Genius Max. At the same time, the front cameras of the iPhone 17 series models will be redesigned with a 24MP sensor and a 6P focal point.

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